How Educated is Our World?

Tertiary Education refers to all post-secondary education, which includes education conveyed in universities, colleges, technical training institutes, and vocational schools. Tertiary education plays an important role in fostering growth, reducing poverty and boosting shared prosperity. A highly-skilled workforce is a prerequisite for innovation and growth: well-educated people are more employable, earn higher wages, and cope with economic shocks better.
In this project, we would like to further discuss the situation of tertiary education around the world and how it changes over time.

Longitudinal Tertiary Education Gross Enrollment


Population, GDP per capita and Enrollment Percentage Around the World


Economic Effect of Tertiary Education Enrollment



From this exploratory analysis, we found that 1. the number of students enrolled were increasing and the number of females exceeded that of males in 2005. 2. The enrollment percentage was increasing around the world for each country. 3. A positive correlation might exist between GDP per capita and enrollment percentage. 4. Developed and high income countries had a higher enrollment percentage and this situation seemed to last.